
The GRIDSHOT® playout solution has an outstanding uptime record due to the fully hot-standby redundant server setup, automated (hardware) failover and software built on the widely recognized Linux stability, guaranteeing an uptime of 99.99%. Our GRIDSHOT® still broadcasts irrespective of potential interruptions in internet connectivity, as all required scheduled content is automatically uploaded to the servers before broadcast.

LIVE events run according to the same principles i.e. in a completely hot-standby redundant playout setup. When the internet connection should be lost during the playout of LIVE events, the playout server automatically detects instability and / or absence of the stream and will switch automatically to a pre-configured fallback stream. In case no fallback stream is in place, the system will automatically show a (customized) error slate.

The content catalogue and metadata are securely stored in a protected cloud environment and backed up at multiple locations. All systems are centrally monitored 24/7 from our headquarters in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands.


GRIDSHOT® is owned, trademark and operated by theFrontDoor, is situated at a stone’s throw from Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands. The GRIDSHOT® playout-, contribution- and distribution system has been developed by our in-house software engineers. GRIDSHOT® has a proven track record for playout- and broadcast services for over 14 years without a single outage. GRIDSHOT® is reliable, flexible and (cost-) efficient in providing stable and secure broadcast signals and streams around the world at high quality and low cost.